View Profile TomAzza
i like drawing shit.

Thomas Azzarini @TomAzza

Age 35, Male


Academy of Fine Arts, Italy

Lerici, ITALY

Joined on 8/23/06

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TomAzza's News

Posted by TomAzza - April 30th, 2011

much has happened since I last posted some news up here.. It's been a hell of a long time since I lurked around Newgrounds, but mostly I've been touching up my programming, photography, and design skills..

anyway.. just got around posting my new portfolio website at www.tomazza.com!

It's still not 100% done, but I'm working on it...

c ya!

Posted by TomAzza - April 11th, 2009

WOW so... i moved

yup packed my crap and got the first plane to england. the whole flight cost me 3,75 £...cheaper than a fuckin bus ticket..some sort of special offer or what not...anyway i said fuck it to home and everything that came with it and hello to Preston, England!

ok so the town looks a little like crap, but it's still better than "home"..i found two fairly decent jobs which i am now juggling like a madman...and i'm considering applying for an art and design course at the university here in town...

hm..that pretty much sums up the recent events of my pathetic excuse for a life so far...

also i saw Watchmen i though it fased in and out with moments of epicness and vein-slashing boredom...thoughts?

Posted by TomAzza - February 1st, 2009


I'm still here i guess...

god life can be boring...

Posted by TomAzza - August 20th, 2008

Here I am, back again, hopefully for longer....

nothing much to say, except get your asses right down to the new Enviroment of the Week contest in the Art Forum!

This weeks topic "AUTUMN"

I know it sucks, dont worry I've got loads of much better topics planned for the next chapters....

c ya there


Posted by TomAzza - December 8th, 2007

hello everybody.

I`m back, well..kinda.... i know, i know.. I`ve been away for quite a while... suffocated by a shitload of events and problems ( mostly heart related), i have had barely enough time or space to breathe.. let alone visit NG..and, I must sadly admit, i haven`t had the time to do more digital drawing....

Although, i like to think that a passion never dies... and Ive kept sketching, and studying.. so i guess i`ll get back up on my artsy feet..sooner or later... possibly once i`ve bought a new computer.. which should be pretty soon, since this piece of rotting shit is so fucked up it`s not even funny...

so..wow.. i`ve been away a really long time... i forgot how awesome this place is...

so a big hello to all my acquaintances here on the site.. c u around mates


Posted by TomAzza - September 18th, 2007


It`s been 4 days now...

all night I stay awake dazing at the emptiness in front of the TV, rolling about on the couch, or dreaming with my eyes open.... occasionally i`ll walk..outside, or just round the house.. I`ve tried everything, pills, exercise, fucking yoga crap...everything.. but nothing. I`m shattered 99.9 percent of the day... in the morning when I go to school... in the afternoon, in the evening...fuck.

and there seems to be no end to it...i don't know what triggered it, if there ever was anything that did..all I know is that i`ve lived these past 4 ( or, maybe 5?) days in a zombie like state.. everything seems so detached and far away...

logging on my computer doesn't help... i`ve been lurking the art forum searching for something to do, like a contest or some fuckshit project to keep me occupied, and to get me back on my feet, since I`ve been slipping away from my "artwork" ( if that`s what we want to call it) more and more in the past month or so... I don't seem to have anymore ideas.. at least, not exciting ideas that used to get me up and pumping, and every time I try and think of one i simply feel to fucking out of my mind to think.


i guess i`ll go watch South Park again... and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again and again....

and have a beer every time they kill Kenny......


god I`m tired.

Posted by TomAzza - August 13th, 2007

Yesterday, a normal day at the Baia Blu Rta during my morning shift at work, i was chatting with my co-worker, during one of my many many many coffee/snack/whatever breaks...

and while surfing trough the usual small talk, we stumbled upon a discussion about jobs, and future.. turns out she is going to work this winter in a graphic design studio relatively close to where i live...since i hate my job as a receptionist, and would love to work in any field that has remotely anything to do with digital design or graphics or anything artistic ( even if i`m not good at it, you gotta start somewhere)... hearing these words made a little bell ring in my head....

so I asked, and MAYBE OH DEAR GOD I HOPE SO this winter i will manage to work there too!

no more stupid tourists who can`t mutter "ciao" without getting it wrong, yet insist on speaking Italian! no more running around for old ladies who cant find their apartment keys! no more answering the goddamned phone! no more reservations!

also, a chance to work and do something i enjoy for money!

my god.. could this be true??

Posted by TomAzza - August 8th, 2007


long time no post.

guess i have nothing to say... sadly I`ve been spending less and less time here on Newgrounds... could this mean I have a life?

so how about some random gibberish? or maybe even some kind of e-humorous remark about sex or genital organs?


Posted by TomAzza - July 21st, 2007

hello everybody.. time to update you about my newest OCD...

Recently, while lurking the site I have had a close encounter with Akuma...

this brought back old memories of me playing my favourite game of all times.... i bet you`ll guess it.... no, not sailor moon....no, not even miss pacman....yes, it is indeed STREET FIGHTER

I used to love the comics when i was little... awesome drawings and awesome stories...used to read them like a boy in church camp would read the bible...... never seen the cartoon though...if there ever was one...

FInally, these reappearing memories have sent me on a street fighter rampage...iv`e been downloading, borrowing and buying streetfighter games like no other soul has ever done before (With the exception of Jeff aka JohnnyUtah)..


the oldest versions! aaah, the famous Street fighter I and II.. followed by II turbo.. wich suck game wise, but they`re simply MUST HAVE GAMES, especially because it reminds me of my early childhood wasted in front of my Super Nintendo..... and my endless battles between Ken and Ryu, (who, by the way, with the exception of that rolling throw, are EXACTLY the same in these gemes).

then i got Street fighter EX2 Plus for PS1.. which is awesome only for the appearance of Kairi, a character not many know about, but is nevertheless one of the coolest in the series... but, other than that, nothing special.. all the other characters suck balls....

i`ve order Capcom vs Snk 2 off e bay.. should arrive in a couple of days....I CAN BLOODY FUCKING WAIT GODDAMNIT

in the meantime, i`ve pleasured myself to Street Fighter Vs Marvel Super Heroes and Marvel Vs Capcom downloaded ROMS for MAME.. wich are great time killers.. fun and nicely done, Also, Akuma kicks ass like NO OTHER... except maybe Evil Ryu...

iv` been searching for Street Fighter 3 trilogy roms, but i cant find working ones.. this is quite irritating, since Stamper has.. that bastard....

so, now that you`ve wasted 4 minutes of your life reading this, you might as well leave a comment, especially if you are a Street Fighter addict like yours truly...and if you don't, i`ll hunt you down and rip your guts out like a pussycat.

Street Fighter ROCKS

Posted by TomAzza - July 18th, 2007


nice Redesign huh?

Anyway, I`m TomAzza, Tom, if you will....

If you`ve heard of me.. which is very unlikely.....you would have heard or seen me in the Art Forum.. that`s where i spend most of my time... Drawing is my passion.. even if I`m not as good as i would like to be....

I`ll get there though...

you`ll see


Contact me for anything or visit my gallery ( still under developement, it looks like shit now) or my DA page.. and tell me what you think
