Yesterday, a normal day at the Baia Blu Rta during my morning shift at work, i was chatting with my co-worker, during one of my many many many coffee/snack/whatever breaks...
and while surfing trough the usual small talk, we stumbled upon a discussion about jobs, and future.. turns out she is going to work this winter in a graphic design studio relatively close to where i live...since i hate my job as a receptionist, and would love to work in any field that has remotely anything to do with digital design or graphics or anything artistic ( even if i`m not good at it, you gotta start somewhere)... hearing these words made a little bell ring in my head....
so I asked, and MAYBE OH DEAR GOD I HOPE SO this winter i will manage to work there too!
no more stupid tourists who can`t mutter "ciao" without getting it wrong, yet insist on speaking Italian! no more running around for old ladies who cant find their apartment keys! no more answering the goddamned phone! no more reservations!
also, a chance to work and do something i enjoy for money!
my god.. could this be true??
This post made the wart on my thumb go away!