love it
hey i love the Von Brunk series..this one was really good! i was litterally laughing my ass off
love it
hey i love the Von Brunk series..this one was really good! i was litterally laughing my ass off
Front page stuff!
this is awesome, reall loved the animation man this is front page stuff really! 5 out of 5 no doubt.
keep up the good work i wanna see more
Thank 'ya good fellow.
Nel mezzo di cammin di nostra vita, mi ritrovai per una selva oscura e la diritta via era smarrita; ahi, quanto dir qual era e cosa dura esta selva selvaggia e aspra e forte che nel pensier rinova la paura...
That was Incredible! about time that someone posted something of this quality about something that is diffrenet from the usual "ZOMG PARODYI" or " TEH STIXXORZ"..
anyway bravo again, and please, make another one, at leat jump to the most important parts in the Divina Commedia ( like when Dante and Virgilio encounter Ulisse or when they get to Lucifer...)
again, congrats.
this is defintley going to my favourites.
fatti non foste per viver come bruti ma per seguir virtute e canoscenza
not good
this sucked...the graphics were looks like a sad copy of the great METAL GEAR AWESOME..its too random and not really funny...really i dont know why this is in front offence but it really is not worhty of being here
oh god i loved that was great t osee my pic hanging there awesome really great flash...i loved it...
You are GOD!!! (i wonder how many ppl say this to you)
really loved this cartoon! id' pay to see this at the cinema you realy should work for Disney or something, god you'd pwn them all!
i loved this scene, it reminded me of "mononokime" a japanese cartoon...really fucking awesome.....our a god.
not bad
reall not bad, i liked the saber effect, and finally one with a good quality! you should make a longer one with fights and what not...
you get a 5/5! was pointless....really pointless...the only good thing was the can animation...although to be honest, looked kinda ripped, or at least not your work ( if you look really closely you can see the white borders)...
and btw your not 13, your profile says your 14....and a game designer?? man something just doesnt add up...
anyway, if those cans are actually your work, keep it up and try making something worth the time you spend on it.
i like drawing shit.
Age 35, Male
Academy of Fine Arts, Italy
Lerici, ITALY
Joined on 8/23/06